Archive for the ‘family’ Category



Maybe this time I did forget about you…just a little bit.  Things have been busy over here!  Here’s a list of all the things that have been keeping me from you: 1.) I’m 33 weeks and 4 days along which means only 6 weeks and 3 days left (hopefully!  Have I mentioned that my son was […]



An eggplant!! How stinkin’ cute is that?! * * * Also! I DID make the fried pickles AND I took step by step pictures! Now all I have to do is write the post! And I promise I’ll do that soon! I can’t let y’all be without fried pickles much longer!

…to start stocking up on pink stuff!!! IT’S A GIRL!!!!! Also, say hello to her foot! LOL!! As of yesterday, we’re halfway there, which means that today, I’ve got 139 days left to go! That just so happens to be my favorite number! (not that that has anything to do with anything…or anything…) And this! […]

To the best husband and father there is!! I love you more than anything and I can’t wait until next year when we have one more reason to celebrate Mother’s and Father’s Day!!!

I need to update. I know! I know! I knoooooow! And I will!  Pinky swear! I have lots to talk about! (More exclamation marks!!!!) (!!!) So anyway. I have planted a garden!  And things are actually starting to grow.  This really surprised me. So far I’ve got 6 tomatoes growing and a fajita bell pepper. […]

We have been sick. Sick. Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiick. That kind of sick where all you want to do is lay on the couch and call your mom and have her bring you some soup or cake or something, but you can’t because you can’t get comfortable anywhere, anyhow, any way. Ugh. My hubby had it last weekend, […]

Hi Y’all!


I feel like absolute Hell on toast right now! How are you? I have yet another Preschool-related plague.  The first of the new year (if you don’t count the “carried-over” plague that followed me into 2012).  Preschool is trying to kill us all.  My hubs has whatever it is that I have, which consists of […]

As you know…


…I have a tiny obsession with Pinterest…. I was even planning on making this super-fancy involved cake I found on there for my mom’s birthday (which happened to be yesterday), but…well…yeah… I’ve been laid up on the couch for a few days with a pinched nerve in my neck. That was fun. I came up […]

I know.  Trust me.  I know what you’re thinking.  Beef, MEAT, and Rice?  Yes.  That is what I said. You can blame my husband for that name.  This is his recipe, after all!  I’ve just sort of…tinkered with it a little. I used to poke fun at him for calling it “Beef, Meat, and Rice”, […]